Though the young Bachchan is often seen chilling out at Preity Zinta's place, the rumours about him and Rani haven't quite stopped. There's the common Bengali connection of course. Plus, Rani is really a lovely person and she gets along so well with the senior Bachchans. But apparently Rani treats Abhishek like a dear friend who is still a little kiddish. She calls him Ab's - baby and constantly ribs him on the sets. On screen though, the two are pure fire. Check out Yuva if you don't believe us. Will it translate in to real life fire too? Dekhate hain...
Hmm..Interesting news..I always liked Rani's acting and she looks good too. Would be interesting to watching Yuva, considering it is Mani Ratnam movie, I am sure it will be worth the buck ...