Amidst the hype of Amitabh Bachchan’s surgery in Lilawati Hospital, not many people know that actor Randhir Kapoor was admitted to the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai on December 1, 2005. Reportedly, Kareena and Karishma Kapoor’s father, Randhir Kapoor was at the hospital on November 29, 2005 for a regular check-up and this is when his doctors recognized the problem of his insulin level dropping and infection in his feet.
“He’s absolutely fine,” said the hospital’s public relation officer, Karuna Atili, denying the rumors that Randhir Kapoor was admitted to the ICU.
Kapoor is currently in a special ward so that doctors can establish the seriousness of the problem. He may have to go through an amputation if the infection is found to be severe.
Along with Kareena Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor’s brothers Rishi and Rajiv also visited him in the hospital with their families.
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Hello everyone, this is Mona from Uk. It is so sad that no one is much bothered about this good actore Randhir Kapoor, whereas the whole media is hyped up with AB's sickness. I have loved all movies of Randhir kapoor , love his acting he is a sincere actor.