Bollywood star Fardeen Khan got engaged to Natasha, the daughter of former actress Mumtaz, at a private function in London on May 5.
"I am very happy with the engagement of my daughter to Fardeen. Everything went off well. It was like a family gathering. Only close family members and friends of Fardeen were invited," said Mumtaz.
For the engagement, Fardeen wore a Shahid Aamir suit while his fiancée chose to wear Roberto Cavalli.
The function was followed by lunch at the Hampstead Hotel.
Natasha is the daughter of Mumtaz and London-based business tycoon Mayur Madhvani.
Fardeen's mother Sundari Khan said, "I am in seventh heaven. My baby got engaged to a girl I have known all my life. I saw Natasha when she opened her eyes for the first time. She is a wonderful human being, extremely beautiful, well brought up and very sensitive.
"They have known each other and have been friends for years, until they fell in love and decided to get engaged. We are really happy.
"Our families have been friends for years and now we will all be one big family."
Fardeen and his family spend a fortnight in London before returning to Mumbai.
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