quote: Originally posted by: RJ_Sonia "Really? ..just like that?!Doesn't it involve some sort of paperwork and money? Give out the details na.."
I guess thats how it is back home...I really don't know as to whats involved....never gave it a thought...being that I have lived outside of India most of my life...except for one whole year while we were in transit.If I come across with any details ...I will post it here....OK.
People's reaction on Duel citizenship- on Indian Express.
Dual views on dual citizenship - Jan, 2005
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s announcement granting dual citizenship to over 25 million overseas Indians (OIs) living in 110 countries has evoked mixed reactions. ========================================================= Duel citizenship Well I disagree with the concept of duel citizenship. Its more a matter of principle than a security matter to me. Why should someone be awarded a free citizenship when he/she has voluntarily chosen to lose it to gain something else? And, what about Resident Indians? Why should they be made at par with non-resident Indians? They contirbute more to India, they should be given more repect and facilitations that non-Indian Indians. Whatever we are its becouse of resident Indians and not anybody else. If somebody outside India, of Indian origin or not, considers investment or doing any work out of interest or guilt he/she should be free as a foreigner should be but he/she should not be pampered. We must change this mentality of treating foreign goods better and in the process neglecting Indians. We should desist honouring undeserved ones.
Posted by: Ranjan, India, 10-01-2005 at 0952 hours IST
Dual citizenship I do not agree with the sentiments expressed by Prem above. I think anyone of Indian origin who or whose parents/grand parents left India after 1950/60, should automatically become Indian citizen. I am sure their Indian blood/genes will attract them to love India. However, there will be a very,very small minority with criminal intent who would like to harm the interest of India. I am sure that Indian security services can control and act against them. Perhaps the security services should establish contact with indians who would protect the intersets of India and create anet work of protectors. Indian politicians demolish corruption and red tape to allow investment flow in to India. people like myself are actively seeking to invest in India but are not willing toipay brives to officials and politicians who are Hammare Desh Ke Dushman. Prime minister must actively and openly make a stand against the corruption and red tape. He must order CBI or alike to publically prosecute publice officials and politicians who take brives and hinder the development of India. WE can generate higher inward investment than China. Surely, corruption is holding us back from becoming a super power.
Posted by: Daljit Sharma, United Kingdom, 10-01-2005 at 0436 hours IST
- Equality - Congratulations UPA Govt.! This is a true example of Equality Before Law and Equal Protection of Law. The BJP govt. provided OIs only for 16 countries, mostly in the west. The reason, that's where the Brahmins live most, outside of India. And, they wanted to care of the Brahmins, not for the millions who live in average occupation in several other countries inlcuding the Gulf countries. It was a shame the BJP govt cared only for Brahmins and wealthy Indians living outside India, and not the average Indians in other countries including Gulf countries. What kind of national pride one would have, if he is treated by his own govt. differently, favoring another guy, when both are living outside India? This injustice has been set right by the UPA govt. and that's the true example of a non-brahmin run Indian Govt. providing equal justice to all outside India, and inside India. Congratulations Mr.Manmohan Singh!
Posted by: Raj, United States, 09-01-2005 at 2008 hours IST
Citizenship It is generally a good idea. We should exclude citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Morrocco and Algeria.
We should also levy an annual fee of $100 per dual citizen. 25 million x $100 adds to a nice 2.5 billion chunk. Our ministers can then take 15 trips abroad instead of the curent 12 per year.
Posted by: Jai Khosla, Belgium, 09-01-2005 at 1705 hours IST
Dual Citizenship As a NRI living in the US I am more concerned about the content of Dual Citizehship rather than the rhetoric pertaining to its grant and the number of countries included.
I am also interested in seeing how this program compares with similar programmes which exist in countries such as Israel and South Africa. So far the the dual citizenship program is nothing more than the ability to travel to india without applying for a Visa. All other facilites regarding owning of property etc are avalable to even foreigners in developed nations. A real dual citizenship regime should afford eqal citizenship rights to a dual citizen such as the right to vote, enrol in the Armed Forces, Right to hold public office and other such rights. So far this is a weak kneed approach of a bureaucracy ridden govenement which lacks courage to acheive something with boldness. Such half measures will complicate the already red tape ridden rules of the Government. To keep the entire process simple there is a need to write only one sentence - 'have all rights and priveleges of a citizen of India'. Lets cut the nonsense and do something for a change - In Israel - You are jewish you are a citizen.
Posted by: Arvind K Mathur, United States, 09-01-2005 at 1657 hours IST
India should desist from granting dual citizenship to overseas Indians beyond 16 countries as decided by previous NDA Govt. To give all concept was "flawed and dangerous" in an era of terrorism. Perhaps UPA wants to go against all decisions right or wrong taken by previous NDA Govt. If NDA said not cut nose your self then UPA would cut its nose to go against NDA.
At the time of NDA Govt. Parliament have passed a bill to grant dual citizenship to persons of Indian origin belonging to 16 countries. Without fulfilling and their after examining pros & cons of it, now UPA government is unnecessary jumping to extend dual citizenship rights to all Indians who left the country after 1950, as long as it is allowed in their new home country.
Bharatvasis and Bharatvanshis have to contribute together to the cause of India's development. There should be no act against Indias interest, facing terrorism since more than two decades.
May be before trumpeting about implementing new schemes the Minister needs to evaluate the facilities. PM may mean well but the Babus will never deliver a service in India !
Posted by: Premendra Agrawal, India, 08-01-2005 at 1846 hours IST
-- Edited by RJ_Sonia at 16:34, 2005-01-19
-- Edited by RJ_Sonia at 16:39, 2005-01-19
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