Why do women have to call each other before a party or any function to that matter, and discuss at great lenghts as to what they are wearing...." I can't wear this and that because he or she has seen me in it.."Better yet ..."why don't you borrow my outfit or jewelry cause it goes well with it..." Mind you these discussions start about a month before and they keep at it until the nite before the event...WHATS UP WITH THIS I ASK?...
quote: Originally posted by: shashichief " Why do women have to call each other before a party or any function to that matter, and discuss at great lenghts as to what they are wearing...." I can't wear this and that because he or she has seen me in it.."Better yet ..."why don't you borrow my outfit or jewelry cause it goes well with it..." Mind you these discussions start about a month before and they keep at it until the nite before the event...WHATS UP WITH THIS I ASK?..."
Well, dont know about other women, but myself I am not much of a party goer. And borrowing stuff to wear is not me. Neither would I phone someone to make a decision of what I am gonna wear. But I can guess, that these women wants to make sure that everything is order(by nature), and personal grooming is no exception.
Or lets put it in other words... "These women have nothing better to do in life"
((( Your comments regarding this post will be appreciated )))
quote: Originally posted by: aruna "Dont these women need some time pass in life. May they have no better way to do it."
Believe me, these women are all professionals in their careers and they have plenty of things to do with their time....yet when it comes to dressing up for an ocassion they all have to discuss at great lenghts about clothes....so as a guy I was just wondering if its the same with all the women....if so "WHY DO WOMEN" do it....
10. Cats' facial expressions. 9. The need for the same style of shoes in different colors. 8. Why bean sprouts aren't just weeds. 7. Fat clothes. 6. Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time. 5. The difference between beige, off-white and eggshell. 4. Cutting your bangs to make them grow. 3. Eyelash curlers. 2. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made. 1. Other women.