I think that is great in a way. But then, on the other hand, it is not so great for the world, cos we are forgetting to live authentically, and are being dragged into a phony world of technology.
Where is the peace of mind in all this?
((( Your comments regarding this post will be appreciated )))
U r very right Sonia but thts the demand of life in now a days & people want work should b done right now. For this we have 2 accept these Electronically Changing World...
And afterall peace of mind comes with money Sonia... Wht did u say????
Ya, money is not everything in life but life is nothing without money... Juz think u r self 1day without u r Cellfone.... Ha ha ha...
Cant imagine na? thts what i mean 2 say....
Anyway thank for u r reply... & pleasure 2 know u r thinkings...
-- Edited by aashieshmallwade at 03:37, 2006-04-16