In the U.S., laptops are now more popular than desktops. Laptops outsold desktops in the U.S. for the first time in May, 2005, but the desktop still rules globally.
According to this USA Today article, the number of laptops in the U.S. more than doubled between 2001 and 2004. Reasons for this include:
Prices are falling -- laptop prices dropped 17% last year, while desktops fell only 4%.
Laptops are becoming as powerful as their desktop counterparts.
Over 90% of laptops now come with built-in wireless connections.
Laptop users in the world today number over 100 million. There are plenty more desktop users, but in affluent countries, the laptop is becoming the PC of choice. In 2000, one in 10 home computers bought worldwide was a laptop. Today the figure is one in five.
What will become of the desktop? It won't disappear entirely, but will probably evolve into a home entertainment hub. And desktops still may be the way to go if you're a fertility-conscious male.
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