A women always likes herself to be dressed nicely which looks good to anoter's we took all this boteration for others u know we think about others first
quote: Originally posted by: "A women always likes herself to be dressed nicely which looks good to anoter's we took all this boteration for others u know we think about others first"
Hi Hina..Hows u?
Actually, I think it also makes us feel good about ourselves. Its a self-image issue. When one dresses up, look good...it gives more self confidence.
Who cares of others anyway...lol Even if we do care, we should care to some extent only...not totally make ourselves pathetic thinking of what others would be thinking of how we are dressed.
((( Your comments regarding this post will be appreciated )))
the trick is to make others want to look like you :) not the ohter way around and the only way one can do that is by being who you are at all times. love who u are as a person first and then dress that person with love the rest is easy.