Amitabh Bachchan, who was admitted to Mumbai's Leelavati Hospital on Monday night for abdominal pain, underwent surgery for intestinal problem in the evening of November 30.
Sixty-three year old Bachchan is in intensive care unit and his condition is stable, hospital sources said. He was operated on by gastro-intestinal surgeon Dr P Jagganath of Leelavati Hospital.
The nearly three-hour operation for the infection, inflammation and perforation in the small and large intestine was successful, sources said. A team of surgeons also removed some old tissues which were the remnants of the injury the actor had sustained during the shooting of film Coolie in 1982.
He will remain under observation for the next 24 hours.
On Tuesday, tests conducted on Bachchan confirmed that he was suffering from colitis, a condition in which the large intestine swells up.
Bachchan was brought to Mumbai on Monday from Delhi's Escorts Hospital. He was accompanied by his wife Jaya, son Abhishek and family friend and Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh.
Meanwhile, Bachchan's well-wishers anxiously continue to wait outside the hospital to know about his health.
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